Baby Jesus and Mary


This section is purely for explanatory stuff, both about myself and this website!

Here you will find basic facts I'm willing to share about who I am, what I believe, what I enjoy, what I don't enjoy, as well as information on my webdev activities. I'll try to curate all of this as best I can!



A self-typed profile about me, my interests, and various aspects of my identity and personal beliefs.


Fanlistings are websites dedicated to fans of specific things, such as media, food, hobbies, and so on. Fans can sign up for these lists and are added alongside their fellow fans, with links back to their websites and/or email addresses. These were a common internet fad during the 2000s to the early 2010s. This page catalogs all of the fanlistings that I've joined, of which there are...many. Note: this page is both image-heavy and link-heavy.


I have so many favorite things that they need their own special page! Compiles basic things I love, from food and music, to fictional characters and ships.

Quiz Results

Remember personality quizzes? Like fanlistings, these used to be just about everywhere. They were often silly and unserious, allowing quiz-takers to share their results via slapdash graphics in forum signatures and websites. These are my own results, with links back to the original quizzes in case you wanted to take them yourself! Note: this page is both image-heavy and link-heavy.



A page listing all of the ways in which I strive to accomodate fellow disabled web users. Remember: an inaccessible web is not a free web.


A page listing the sources of various elements of the site. I try to link back to sources whenever possible (especially for images), but this page will attempt to list everyone!


Can't find what you're looking for? Look no further! Sitemaps are a barebones way of organizing a website's links, so that anyone having trouble navigating can easily find what they want, all in one place.

To-Do List

A list of everything I need to do, as well as future plans. Mostly a way for me to keep track of my long list of tasks and ideas.


A running archive of every update I post on the front page!