WELCOME TO MY x WEBZONE x Baby Jesus and Mary


Confession: I'm absolutely addicted to joining fanlistings, and always have been! When I was a teen, I used to join tons of them, mostly anime/manga, comics, or characters that I loved. I used to link every single one in my forum signatures to show off all the stuff I love. Granted, many of those fanlistings are long past dead and cleared out.

So imagine my unbridled joy—over 15 years later—when I found that fanlistings are making a comeback! I began joining as many as I could find in a surge of nostalgia euphoria. Below are the fanlistings that I've joined—and in a few cases, RE-joined!—and you can bet I'll be adding plenty more.

Animals and Nature




Characters and Pairings




Food and Drink


Hobbies and Interests




Religion and Spirituality